
The Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham is associated with the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk. We are a group within the Parish of St John's who provide opportunities to pray, go on pilgrimage to Walsingham and offer devotion to Our Lady.

What is the Walsingham Cell?

It's a local group of Christians who belong to the St John's Cell of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham. It is a link between the Anglican Shrine at Walsingham, Norfolk - a great centre of Christian Pilgrimage and our parish.

The Purpose of the Society.

  • To deepen faith in the incarnation (i.e. that Jesus, God took flesh and became a human being)
  • To honour Mary for her part in this
  • To bring more people to know and love Mary's Shrine at Walsingham - England's Nazareth
  • To pray for the conversion of unbelievers, and the unity of Christians

What are Members asked to do?

  • To be faithful members of the local church
  • To encourage pilgrimage to Walsingham and other holy places by their own example
  • To pray for the work of the shrine at Walsingham
  • To pray and work for the spread of the Christian Faith, for Christian Unity, and for their own parish
  • To say the Angelus, or one decade of the Rosary, every day as a private devotion

The Monthly Cell Mass.
The monthly Cell Mass normally takes place on the 1st Saturday of each month at 10am and is offered for the Shrine at Walsingham. The Mass is open to all and offers intercessions to Our Lady of Walsingham. Cell members make a special effort to be present.

If you would like to find out more about the cell, please get in touch via the Parish Office.