Holy Week and Easter

My theme in these Lenten reflections (of which there are four - there won’t be one for Mothering Sunday) is the Tree of Life. I invite you this Lent to consider trees, or perhaps a single tree; it may be a tree that is in your garden, or one that you can see from your window, or a tree that you walk past on your daily travels. I hope that particular tree will minister grace to you this Lent.

Sometimes, on solitary walks, I will stand beneath a great tree. I think of its roots beneath my feet; an intricate web anchored deep into the earth; a broad, expansive system, balancing the canopy above; its roots drawing water and nutrients, sustaining life, enabling growth and fruitfulness. I think of the trunk, strong, enduring; the hidden internal rings of the passing years; the life the trunk itself sustains, as insects feed in it and from it. And then the canopy; stark and mystical in winter; luxuriant in summer; glorious in autumn; full of promise in spring. A single tree to be with us during Lent.